It had poured around 2 am this morning so I wasn't sure where I would find Harriet if I found her at all by the time I got to the nest.5:20 am I find Harriet sitting in the right pond tree. At first I was so hoping it was Ozzie. There were a lot of mornings I would find Ozzie there. Oh well one of these days it will be him. PB nowhere in sight at this time so had to wait until it got lighter out. Harriet vocalized and still no PB. Harriet vocalized a few more times then something caught her eye on the ground by the driveway. Down she went to the ground and was walking around . She stomped/ grabbed whatever it was a few times. I was at a disadvantage being on the Church side. I really couldn't tell what it was even when she picked a piece of whatever it was. She did how ever seem to not like what ever it was. She kept shaking her head ..LOL Harriet stayed on the ground for about 20 mins then flew to the snag tree by the Church. Harriet was looking around a bit then left at 7:22 am heading SSE way past the Publix pond. PB was nowhere in sight but maybe she saw him. I left around 8:40 am No one home at the time. Be safe Ozzie ,Harriet and PB. Ozzie I'll see you when you're ready to come home.
Harrit 5:20 am right pond tree.
Harriet checking whatever it was on the ground.
Hello Harriet
Bye Harriet 7:22 am |