4:45 am Both wake back up and are vocalizing. Of course I can't see anything but whatever it was they stopped vocalizing after a min or two. Time for me to get ready to leave. I arrive at the nest my usual time. Sitting in the truck for a bit and Donna arrives earlier than usual. Always good to see her. We get set up and wait for daylight to break. Both Harriet and M15 drop down into the nest and aerate. Then Harriet to the porch and M15 up to the attic branch. Some more vocals then M15 drops down on Harriet but wasn't a very good landing so off he went to the side of her. Well so much for a little whoopee this morning. M15 and Harriet stayed on the porch branch. Harriet did a bit of straightening out of her feathers and M15 just looking around. M15 left the porch branch heading NW towards the poles. Harriet vocalizes then she heads off in the same direction that M15 just went. About an hour later here comes Harriet and flies to the west treeline. She is looking around and finds herself a nice pine branch and here she come to the nest tree.
As we were watching Harriet coming back M15 flew in and was laying down in the nest. LOL I didn't see him until Harriet had placed her branch and M15's head popped up . They both sit there then M15 hops up to the attic branch. Both are looking around. Harriet stretches her wings then sits back down in the nest. Harriet then goes to the veranda and M15 is vocalizing .Ok maybe they will try it again? No Harriet heads over to the front pine and gets her another pine branch. Boy Harriet has gotten a lot of pine lately.
While Harriet was getting her branch,M15 had left the attic and went and got himself a branch. Well here comes M15 and Harriet s still in the nest as he is coming in for a landing. Poor Harriet had to duck so she did get knocked over by M15 . You'll see Harriet on the far left side of the nest by the veranda in the photo with her head way down.
Harriet takes off to the west treeline again and tries to break off a branch. It wasn't budging. No matter how hard she tried.She flew past another tree and got a stick on the fly and back to the nest she came.
When I was watching two Red Tail Hawks in the west treeline, M15 took off again so I 'm not sure which way he went until Harriet hoped on the porch branch and was looking NW. The two RTH were playing in the tree to the west and Harriet would over there ,vocalize then look back to the NW.
Harriet stayed on the porch branch for awhile then took off to the SW flew around the cell tower then landed in the pine at the parking lot. Went up a couple of branches then off towards the SE as M15 flew right past us heading in the same direction. I stayed for awhile and finally gave up . No one was coming back soon.