Again this morning for about the third day in a row no one was at the nest or surrounding trees. No one came in as it got lighter out. I'm finding this a bit unusual. Just doesn't seem right. About 7 or so in flies the Sub-Adult that Ted took a photo of last night. I did post this morning it's 41/2-5 yr old but I'm now thinking a 4 - 4 1/2 yr old. It had more black on the tail than I could see at first. Now with that said I do have to say ,I have read that any where from as young as 4 yrs all the way up to 6 yrs they could look for mates and start breeding but 5 yrs old is the general age.
Ok so now Donna and I have to give this one a name because it has been here more than once. So this one's name is Slim. He is long and slim so there for Easy right ?! Slim flies in from the NW direction of Bob's poles and heads straight for the nest tree. Slim is perched on the attic branch then goes up a bit higher. He's looking around. We are waiting for Harriet and or M15 to fly in any min now and there's no one. Nothing. Slim stays for about 10 mins then heads to the tall pine in the west pasture. Another Eagle flies in the nest are and Slim chase this one out. We thought maybe Harriet or M15 but from the photo's I have it's neither one of them. So now we have another Eagle. Slim heads back to the tall pine in the west treeline.Slim is resting and looking around. He moves to another branch to the left not to long after that he takes off towards the NW.
I have to say now, I don't know if Harriet and M15 were at Bob's early this morning. I do not go into someone's neighborhood that time of the morning looking for them nor do I go there on my way home. Where I stop at on my way is not Bob's but another park and I am very quick about getting in and out. I have been at Bob's but I'm very quick about it. I try to respect the folks that live there. Going at dark time to me is borderline harassment of the Eagles in their quiet place. They go there to get away not to be hunted down.They are not used to ppl showing up there at that time of the morning or the evening.... That's my opinion !
About 5-10 mins later Slim comes back from the NW flies thru the nest area and heads over towards Publix parking lot.WE have another Eagle fly in from the SW and lands in the nest. Now we're really thinking someone has to be coming in to get this one out of the nest . We wait and wait . No one! WTH is going on this morning ? This new Eagles sits and looks around then flies out of the nest as Slim is coming back from Publix area.Slim flies down into the nest then in comes the other one that just left. Slim is watching and vocalizing as the other one flies around the nest area checking it out. Slim follows the other Eagle across the road towards the publix pond then flies to what we call Harriet's tree. He is vocalizing and then head towards the SE and around like he is doing a check of the territory. This whole time we still haven't seen Harriet or M15 nor Ozzie.
At this point all we have seen at the nest are 2 new Eagles no one else. Now at some point Donna checks out 2 Eagles that were sitting on the cell tower. So now there are the two on the cell tower which one of them could have been the first one in the nest that Slim chased out.
Slim is off again and the first one in the nest came back and is sitting in the nest. Here Comes Slim from the NW again and off goes the other one. This happens a few times. During this whole time we do not see Harriet or M15 . Then we are told Harriet is on Bob's pole. Ok so where is M 15 ??? Hmmm. Now we have Slim,2 other ones on the cell tower and Harriet . Interesting.
Ok so now Slim has pissed off the other Eagle by this time. It's a male from the best I can tell. He comes back in the nest area and is circling going higher and higher and to the NW , then here he comes right for Slim who by now is on a branch to the right were Harriet likes to sit . Bamb right into Slim and then out of the nest tree they go. Flying around the tree by the front pines talons out and locked at one point. Dam what sight to see. At first we thought it was Harriet but was told she was still at Bob's at this time. They break from each other and fly off towards the west tree line up and over and are now way up circling each other then fly off in different directions. Wheww . What a morning. Before I left I did see two Eagles flying NE way behind the Church.No one was at the nest tree. Never did see M15 or Harriet but like I said we were told she was on her pole the whole time.
So now I don't know what to think. Are we watching a possible nest take over or do we just have a very brave young Eagle and what is going on with Harriet and M15 and where is Ozzie thru all of this.
Slim |
The other Guy |
Slim |
Slim |
Slim |
The other Guy |
The other Guy |
The other Guy going after Slim |
Slim & The other Guy |