Harriet and M15 drop down into the nest and are aerating then Harriet goes to the porch branch and M15 to the attic. More vocals from both of them. Harriet checks out her toes again.lol
The sun is coming up and we have some awesome colors going on behind us , to the left and in front of us. Wow orange behind us, pinkish/ orange to the left and then my favorite pinkish/purple in front of us to the west. Harriet flies to the OCT . She does some preening of her tail and vocalizes.
M15 vocalizes then joins to the Harriet on the OCT. The vocals being and I thought there was going to be mating but M15 wasn't accommodating Harriet . Well don't you know she sure let him know about it too. Looks like she gives him the old side kick and lots of vocals.Well M15 vocalizes right back at her then bows his head. It wasn't until I up loaded my photo's that there was a Starling sitting there on the OCT with them watching the whole thing. At one point you see the Starling taking off as to say" Man He's really in trouble and I'm out of here." Harriet done fussing at M15 ,M15 vocalizes right back at Harriet and then she bows her head.
They both sit side by side for a few mins then Harriet takes off across the road and lands in the tree. M15 follows right behind her.
Dona Broock leaves and Donna McMurrer and I stay for a bit. We see one of ours fly towards the poles at Bob's . Hmm maybe the other one is there. Donna and I do some exploring . We find a Hawk sitting on a pole.Stop and get photo's of it.
On our way back from an area we were checking out by the river we see 2 Eagles on the cell tower. We pull over and get photo's of them. The one does the sidekick to the other one. Boy Donna and I just start cracking up. So Harriet isn't the only one that does that. It's 9:34 am now and we are taking photo's about 20 mins later we hear Harriet and she and M15 are in the tree over by Publix. They are vocalizing at the other couple and the couple are vocalizing back. Ok I guess they are still letting each other know this is a Questionable area . It's ok to sit there but don't go any further type of thing. We have 4 Eagles vocalizing and which way do you turn ..LOL
Soon the other couple leave the cell tower heading SW towards the river and Harriet gets quiet. Boy she sure was letting them know She saw them and that they better not come her way. Amazing. So now you all know Donna and I have to name all of them. Sooo keeping in mind that this couple could be the River Bend pair we named them Robin= Female and of course Ben for the Male. Simple and easy. Donna was able to get flight shots of both of them and the Female has still has a lot of black on her tail whereas the male not so much. Awww maybe we have just turned 5yr old Newlyweds here . How awesome is that ! Now we'll have to keep track of these two to see if they come back to the cell tower. Meet Robin and Ben . Ben is on the right. ETC.... Sorry Ben is on the left ...lol My bad.
Harriet and M15 from two different angles .
So after Robin and Ben leave we head over to the drive at Publix to get some pics of Harriet and M15. It's now 10:09 am and time for me to go home . It was a very interesting morning with Harriet and M15. We got to ID two new or possibly the same couple we have been seeing on the cell tower. Only time will tell if they are or not.