Feeling better today. I guess I just needed some more sleep. Window works in the truck again too. So I head off to the nest my usual time this morning. I find Harriet and PB in the nest tree. Harriet on the outer branch left and PB way up on the right. Harriet preening a bit and PB still has his head tucked in behind him. Around 6:00 am PB is awake. I think he was awake before that because Harriet was looking that way in one of the photo's I took. Harriet says good morning a couple of times and more preening. Harriet moves out further on her branch then flies off towards the driveway around the cam 2 tree and around the old cam 2 tree and heads up next to PB. Wow....I find this interesting to say the least. Harriet flying to PB/FV.. Of course there are vocals from both of them and some beaking. I think maybe PB was a bit surprised by Harriet. PB is itching his feet then Harriet does it. Then they look at each other ..lol
They are sitting very close to each other , looking around. At one point PB is looking at Harriet. I am wondering what he is thinking ? Could it be "Boy what a lucky guy I am to have Harriet"? Or " Man she's one Beautiful Eagle "? Ohh if only they could talk. We would find out sooo much about them.
PB looking at Harriet |
The sun is coming up more and adding a reddish glow to the nest tree and them as they sit there preening , looking around taking in the view of all that is there before them.Just an awesomely beautiful sight.PB stretches and Harriet titles her head towards him as if to say "Are you ok"? They continue to sit there. Then the quiet is broken by Harriet vocalizing at the Hawk that flies by. PB sits for a few more seconds then flies off to the NE. Harriet turns around and stretches and watches PB as he is leaving the nest area.
Harriet is looking NE to NW then NE again . Harriet goes from preening to looking NE to NW for a bit.She then turns back around and there is more preening to be done. First the feet are itched , then she preens the inside of her right wing. Done with her morning preening Harriet looks behind her to the NE then looks to the SE. Harriet leaves the nest tree flying right towards us and past us. Over the road and to the SE past the neighbourhood where the 2 norfolk pines are and dips down out of sight. Maybe she saw PB over that way. Who knows.
Donna M and Jeff are with me. We talk a bit then Jeff leaves. Donna and I continue to talk and then we see an Eagle fly past over by Publix's . Then we see another one that was way ahead of the last one . Both look to be heading SW direction over Circle K and beyond. Well both Donna and I decided it's a good time to leave . It was already 8:45 am and it's getting warmer out.
I do not see any Eagles on the cell tower nor Bob's pole as I go home.
Be safe Ozzie ,Harriet and PB/FV. Ozzie I'll see you when you're ready to come home.
PB/FV left ,Harriet right |
Harriet always has something to say..LOL |
Dude you ok ? |
Harriet vocalizing at the Hawk |
PB/FV leaving |
Harriet flying past leaving for the day |