I arrive a bit off my schedule this morning around 5:50-55.I see someone is already in the nest.Well good to see Harriet in the nest and PB still on an outer branch. I take a few photo's and wait to see what they will do today. Harriet is doing some aerating and PB finally drops down to the nest to help Harriet out. Of course there is the usual breaking and then PB goes to the branching branch then off the nest he goes towards the west pasture and lands by the downed tree again. He seems to like that area for playing and looking for things for the nest. It takes a few Min's, but Donna was able to spot him on the ground. LOL he looks so little at this distance. All you can see is his white head popping up. PB is moving around and then we see him coming in.Well I'll be ,PB had a stick and a nice long one to boot. WTG PB you finally got that stick..lol
Harriet was perched and watching PB too. She even vocalize like.... Woohoo You did it!
PB got to place his stick where he wanted it. Harriet still on the attic branch watching and plotting her move. The crows are still bothering her. Harriet leaves the nest tree and flies to the west treeline to avoid the crows. She is looking around this tree doesn't find anything she likes,so she heads to the tree to her left , doesn't find anything there goes past the first tree she was in and flies to a palm tree, tries to get a branch and ends up hanging there upside down..LOL Silly Harriet .
PB in the west pasture |
PB and His First Crib Rail |
PB |
Oh silly Harriet hanging upside down. |
From there Harriet goes back to the second tree she was at and finds her a stick. Not as big as PB tho.
She places her stick and then PB drops down to the nest to help Harriet out. Of course we all know that doesn't go well with Harriet and more beak bonking. PB gives up heads to the veranda then to the attic branch then leaves the nest tree headed to the Norfolk pine and past it may be to the other one we can't see from the church side. PB flies right over Donna and I . Wow I always get goosebumps when they do that. About a minute later Harriet decides it's time for her to go also. She leaves from the veranda headed across the road then to the same area as PB went.
Harriet and her stick |
PB |
PB is molting right now hence the white specks under his wings and on his back |
PB |
Harriet |
Both are across the road and I stay for a bit . Around 8:46 am Harriet flies in with a fish . Good thing I stayed . The crows are bothering her again. Harriet is also looking around for PB..LOL I wonder where she left him at. Harriet finally gets to eat her breakfish. Done with that Harriet goes to the veranda then leaves again headed back too the Norfolk tree where a crow has followed and is dive bombing her. The crow gives up and Harriet sits there for a little while .Around 8:30 am Harriet is gone so I leave too. I so enjoyed this morning. Just Harriet and me even if it was just for a little bit.
Harriet and her breakfish |
Wonderful! Thanks.