What started off as Oh gee I can't find them kind of morning turned into a bit of a interesting morning. I arrive at the nest a bit earlier than usual to hopefully get some better Harriet and moon photo's and there is a truck already there that I don't recognize. I get out of my truck get the camera and look in the nest tree for Harriet.Hmm not there. This means they could be in the front pines or the west pasture. What to do ,what to do. McDonald's didn't open for 15 more mins so I sit and wait. 5:00 am I head over to McDonald's go to the restroom then get something to eat and made the decision to some thing I really don't like doing and that's go thru the closed gates at the Pritchett's driveway. I felt much safer there than at the church.
I get out of my truck and set up . I start looking for Harriet in all the tree's in the nest area.Still can't find her. Ok now the hard part , the west tree line. Nope still can't find her. It's getting lighter out others have arrived and the Gal that was in the truck walked over. Finally Harriet vocalized . Yep in the tree line but where ?? I still can't find her so I just wait. She'll be leaving soon I figured. Sure enough at 6:39 am .. up out of what seems to be their favorite tree to stay in, out goes PB then not to long after, Harriet goes. But today was a bit different. There was road kill to the right of the driveway which we didn't find out until latter from one of the Ladies in the office.Down PB/FV went for it. Scattered all the Crows that were there trying to get breakfast and dodging cars. I was taking photo's of PB during all this time and not sure where Harriet was but she must have circled around out over the road. Keeping fixed on PB/FV as he headed back to a tree to eat his breakfast, I then get a glimpse of Harriet coming in fast to the tree PB/FV just went in to with group of Crows that were chasing them both. Harriet lets out a vocal and all I can tell you is that I think PB/FV lost his meal to Harriet...LOL All I can see is what looks like Harriet's butt while she is eating and PB/FV peeking thru some pine needles watching her. I just giggle to myself.
Jeff arrives and I tell him where they are and we stand there talking and waiting for them to leave the tree. With a high pitched vocal from Harriet we see PB on the ground and Harriet going after him. Oh boy !!! I think PB stole back the food that Harriet took from him and Harriet was coming to get . She went after him with her talons out and got him in the chest with one foot and the other on the food. I'm just in amazement here watching this all unfold. Just fascinating !! Harriet wins the food back and PB all not that happy about it. He walks around Harriet a couple of times and Harriet lets him know he won't be getting what's left back this time. PB looks like " Wow I can't believe you took that from me" PB walks around Harriet again and I'm thinking he better not mess with her again. Next time she might really get him good. Harriet keeps an eye on him. After all , we know PB is the one talon grab and run master ..LOL
Harriet finishes off the food and walks past PB like "What do you think of me now ..snap " LOL She is so beautiful and confident as she walks past. He just looks at her. They are standing by each other now and Harriet does a PS which I know she'll be flying soon,so I get ready. Sure enough she heads back to the tree they were in this morning. PB/FV heads for the pine close to the driveway. Pb sits there looking around,then doing some preening. Great photo opp for me. Vicki walks down to the road and out in it to get the road kill and throws it in the pasture. Now the whole time she is doing this ,PB is watching her . Jeff and I are just laughing . PB wanted to see where his food was going. Harriet is still in the tree as far as we know. PB/FV leaves the pine and heads right over us and goes towards the NE with a bunch of crow's following. He ends up turning around and heads for the nest tree. I start putting up my stuff then I see PB is back in the pine again by the front gates. I take a few more photo's and then load up and head home.
I left PB in the pine , Harriet in the treeline and still haven't seen Ozzie.
Be safe Ozzie and I'll see you when you are ready to come home.
Harriet left and PB top right |
Harriet |
Harriet coming to get her food back |
Harriet going after PB |
Harriet on the left ,PB right |
Harriet left,PB right |
Harriet left, PB right |
Harriet has the food and PB not to happy about it |
WTG Harriet |
Harriet & PB |
Harriet & PB |
PB going towards Harriet |
" I'm not doing anything " |
PB tries again |
Harriet right ,PB left |
Harriet does a PS before flying to the tree |
Harriet |
Harriet |
PB/FV in the pine by the gate |
PB/FV's Beautiful wing span |
thank you so much!!!
ReplyDeleteSosringfree Thank You for reading my Blog
DeleteThank you for the fantastic updates. Such dedication!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the fantastic updates. Such dedication!
ReplyDeleteSharon Barger Thank You for reading my Blog
DeleteThank you for the fantastic updates. Such dedication!
ReplyDeleteThanks for this! Looking forward to more <3
ReplyDeleteI am a *newbie* you your wonderful Blog...learning about Ozzie (from C.R.O.W.) Harriett and FV as I watched *my* Hanover Eagles. I adore your photos... you have brought Ozzie and Harriet's Love Story to life.. She is a beauty...I feel for *Poor* FV (why do you call him *PB*?) as I can understand his attraction to Harriet....BUT, I am a romantic and when I see some of your photos of O & H, I really, really want him to come home to Harriet! I will be checking your blog now for updates! Thank you! ♥ Lilac Lamb ♥
ReplyDeleteThank you Deeagle for sharing your beautiful photos znd great commentary. Happy and safe 4th!
ReplyDeleteThank you Deeagle for sharing your beautiful photos znd great commentary. Happy and safe 4th!