Friday, October 30, 2015

Got my Check List ,Do You ?

So I was just getting my check list together yesterday of the things I wanted to see before we have eggs. Here it is  and I can check off two things.
1.... Brood patch on Harriet and M15.....
 Well last night one of the photographers got a photo of M15's. Yay . Now to see Harriet's
2.... A food gift for Harriet from M15.....
8:00 am this morning M15 brought her a real nice size fish gift. WTG M15 . He did good on not eating it before Harriet got there. Boy he sure was looking around for Harriet tho. Harriet came in  from the NW just a squawking and landed in the nest to claim her gift. She sure let M15 know it was HER fish not his. He did good in standing his ground tho. He didn't leave the nest right away when she landed like  Ozzie had in the past. That may change in time if Harriet pushes him out of the way..LOL Hopefully we should see more of them. M15 you did a great job today. I'm so proud of you and always knew you would do what comes natural for you. Instinct... it's a wonderful thing to watch.No teaching this at all.. you knew what to do.  
3... More nestorations like rails and fluff......
Now I can live without the rails but I know most of you can't . I have seen a lot worst nests and the Babies did just fine. Now I would like to see more of a nest bowl and egg cup. Harriet needs more fluff to lay on for the long hours ahead of her. A nice deep egg cup would be great too. Ozzie & Harriet had one deep egg cup last season. I didn't think we'd ever see the eggs or the little ones when they hatched.
4.... More mating of course.
5...Hanging around the nest more......
 The closer it gets the more Harriet will stay close to the nest tree. Maybe by then there will be more fluff in the nest and Harriet will be checking it out a time or two and maybe she'll spent the night again. I know ,I know ,I got over excited the first time she did it but I promise I'll behave myself the next time. Well at least I'll try.
These are  a few things I have been looking for and wait to see them happen. Again this is my list of things that I have observed in the past and I'm just seeing if they will be the same this time as far as how soon we see them. Harriet's brood patch was first seen Oct 31st 2014. I don't remember seeing Ozzie's like we do M15's. Here is the link for the photo David Eppley Photography took of M15

So I hope you have your check list ready or make one up. Things will be happening soon and I sure can't wait for it. I'm so excited for all the new and great things that will be going on. To see a New Dad in action, how he will take to egg sitting and babysitting for the first time. Oh to see M15 take his first look at the eggs and the Babies and how he will react. How Harriet will help him along the way. For me it will be almost like going back in time in my mind and watching Ozzie & Harriet their very first time. Well almost any way .

                           I'M JUST SO EGGCITED !!!!!

M15 bringing Harriet a fish gift this morning.

M15 looking at the fish before Harriet got there.

 Harriet on her way to get her gift.

M15 watching Harriet. You did good M15

Harriet flying up to a higher branch to do some preening after eating. M15 watches her.

"Come on Harriet Show me your brood patch" and that's a look of "NO" !


  1. Your list is now my list Dee! Thank you for your wonderful commentaries! ;)

  2. I am very eggcited, too!! I agree with your list...will be watching :)

  3. I am very eggcited, too!! I agree with your list...will be watching :)

  4. Good humor, Dee. I was speaking with my Uncle who lives in New Jersey last night. He told me that he observes a local eagle nest via a cam. I'll send you the link for it when he gets it to me.

  5. Great list Dee, very egg-cited to see them all checked off too !

  6. Great job, Dee.....just a waiting game now...

  7. Awesome Dee, I learn so much from reading your updates and narratives. You not only have a gift of photography but you are a wonderful educator for us and we are all little sponges eager to take your lessons in. Thank you.
