Saturday, November 14, 2015

Sticks,Fluff, Mating.. a Fish Gift for Harriet and A Sub-Adult visits with Harriet

Earlier this morning around 1-1:30 or so ,it was reported Harriet dropped down into the nest . She was still there this morning. I checked in on them before I left for the nest. Harriet was still in the nest. She woke up vocalized and M15 did too  then M15 took a fly about and was right back on the attic branch. Harriet vocalized and M15 answered her. He did a PS. I sure hope it didn't land on Harriet.
Good morning Vocals by both with Harriet sitting in the nest and M15 still on the attic branch.
M15 drops down into the nest nest and they both do some aerating. M15 has his honey-do list and leaves for his favorite spot for fluff this morning. Yep on the ground by the shorter tree which is close to the pond. He gathers up some grass and off to the tree he goes. He circles around then lands in the nest . Harriet up to the veranda and M15 soon follows. We have mating this morning. I couldn't tell if it was a successful mating or not the were behind the pine curtains again. M15 heads up to the attic branch then flies off to one of the pines in the front and gets a real nice pine branch. M15 takes the long away around the tree then stops on the porch branch. There he rests a bit before hopping into the nest which catches the branch on the side of the nest.

M15 hops up to the veranda and Harriet is still on the attic branch. Both looking around then Harriet stops Robing and Ben land on the cell tower and off she went with h a vocal and M15 right behind her. They fly to their tree by the parking lot. I'm sure there was a lot of vocals from Harriet about them on the cell tower. Seems to be a neutral zone right now. We'll have to wait and see what happens when eggs are laid how things will go.

M15 is back on the attic branch,  but I didn't see if he brought in a rail or not. Harriet comes back a few Mins later with a nice size branch. Harriet goes around and around the nest till she finds that right spot for her rail. She placed it back by the spike branch. M15 takes off to the tree where the Horse's scratch their backs and down to the ground behind a dead branch on the ground...LOL OK more hide -an-go -seek.

M15 walks around looking then flies a bit from the branch and looks some more. I guess he can't find the one special stick or grasses so he flies around the pond then straight for the left pond tree.

 Harriet is on the attic branch so I think,  then M15 takes off from the pond tree heading right for us. As I  turn around from getting M15's photo's.. Harriet is gone too. They were seen heading in the SE direction I was told.

Well .. I guess they had other plans for this morning. But that's ok there are a few visitors to the nest this morning to keep me company. We're all sitting there talking when all of a sudden we heard Harriet to our left. Here comes M15 with a fish and Harriet hot on his tail. YA !! Another fish gift for Harriet . M15 went straight to the nest and Harriet landed right next to him and took her gift . WTG M15 !! Great Job ! I knew you could do it. Instincts kicked in again didn't it ?!
As I sit here typing this ,I'm still grinning from ear to ear like a proud Mom.

Harriet lands and takes her fish gift and begins eating while M15 is watching. He did end up with some of Harriet's fish but she let him had it. While Harriet was finishing up her breakfish, M15 went and got another small stick for the nest. Done placing the stick M15 goes to the porch branch and Harriet soon followed. Harriet feaking her beak and M15 just looking all proud of himself.

Harriet moves up to the attic branch still cleaning her beak. Then she moves up even higher and is feaking her beak some more. Harriet then flies down to the pond. When I got there Harriet was just standing there in the mucky -muck . It seemed like for ever before she bent her head down a got a drink of water. Then she stood some more before getting another drink. Harriet turned around then got herself another drink of water.Harriet stood for just a bit then took off for the Church tree.

M15 was still in the nest tree this whole time. After I got back to the Church side then M15 left heading SE. Harriet at some point left the Church tree but did come back to the nest around 9:49 am.
Harriet had company stop by. A Sub-Adult flew around the nest ,tried to land in the nest tree with Harriet but she wan't having it. The Sub-Adult landed in the the pine next to cam 2 tree. Harriet  vocalizing the whole time. Harriet moved up to the attic branch watching the Visitor . The nest tree filled up with Starlings as if they where Harriet's "gang" . The right pond tree and the big one in front of us filled up with Crows. Wow. You can tell they knew some one was there that didn't belong there. Just amazing to watch. The Crows flew out and back a few times as did the Starlings. Harriet would vocalize but not so much as a warning just a vocal to let the Sub-Adult know she wasn't happy wiht it there. Finally the Sub got brave and flew to the higher branch on my right. Oh BOY ! I thought for sure Harriet was going to go for him but she didn't . It surprised all of us. Harriet is allowing this one to sit awhile. She would vocalize and we all would start looking for M15. No M15.
They sat this way for about an Hour then Harriet took off towards the NW and the young one followed her. We could see them flying way up. There was 3 of them .2 white heads and tails and the Sub-adult . Finally I lost them  but David was able to get a photo of two of them on the tower way NW the one that has the red blinking light on it just past Bob's.  

I left not to long after this. No one was at the tower with the red blinking light when I went past .


  1. I always enjoy reading this blog. Thank you

  2. Thank you, Dee, for sharing your day with H and M, with us. You are so detailed, love it!!!

  3. Thank you, Dee, for sharing your day with H and M, with us. You are so detailed, love it!!!

  4. Thanks Dee for keeping us in "the loop " !
