Sunday, May 10, 2015

Harriet is up before the Rooster


Well this morning Harriet was up before the Rooster was...LOL  She went to the nest real early and it was still a bit dark out for good photos so I just sat and watched her. PB came to the nest a little bit after Harriet. I tried watching on my phone but that didn't work well either the signal kept  going out. But I did get to see someone pulling on the strap like E6 did before it went out again. Of course you all know who it was.... Harriet LOL..... I didn't find out until I got back from the  nest.
Harriet did do some small nestorations and brought in some pine again. She's bonking PB . It looked like PB was trying to help again.  I think I'll just add tomorrow to this.Right now the way things are going the best I can do for now is to take a video with my camera. I found out how to turn the sound off so now you don't have to cover your ears.. LOL

5/10/15 Teaching Day for PB........

This morning Kathy met me at the nest. Around 5:30 am Kathy said there looks like someone is in the nest already. Yep sure enough Harriet drops down to the nest and is checking it out. Harriet also pulls on the strap..LOL it must be a family thing. Ozzie started it and now Harriet is finishing it up I guess.

Good Morning vocals from Harrit . This always puts a great big smile on my face and I tell Harriet Good Morning too.  PB arrives to the nest tree on an upper branch to the right as I am looking at the tree from the ground. Still to dark for me to get photo's so just sit and watch. Harriet goes up to the attic branch then as she leaves ,she tries to get some pine but didn't and heads for the R-pond tree with crows in tow. They dive bomb her a few times and then Harriet tries to break a branch off but ends up - upside down and no branch( I didn't get a photo,but I did get a short video of it ) then flies to the west pasture tree.

There she gets a small stick . Harriet goes back to the west tree and this time she brings in some moss. Both Harriet and PB are trying to arrange the moss just right but some beak bonking is going on. PB up to the veranda and Harriet off to the west pasture again this time PB goes too and lands on the ground. Harriet in a tree looking for a stick and PB on the ground looking for whatever. Harriet brings in another stick and PB brings in some grass/nesting material .
PB with grass

I truly feel that this is teaching time with PB. This is the first time I have seen him bring in anything to the nest.  Harriet is teaching as she goes on  with her day- to-day  routine. PB in my opinion is just a young'un and will learn what he can until Ozzie comes home. PB will leave . I see Harriet doing what Ozzie always did, bringing in the sticks and building and PB doing what Harriet did, sit and watch at times then maybe bring in a few things. Role reversal.   Amazing!
They continue to move the new stuff around and beak bonking. With that done they are both sitting back by the spike branch just looking to the west. Around 7:15 am Harrit leaves first headed towards the norfolk pine with 2 crows following her, but goes past it .We know there is another one she sits in but just can't see it from the Church side. I know it's been seen on cam 2 tho. PB leaves just a short time after Harriet in the same direction.
Kathy and I drive over to look for the other pines and find Harriet in one and PB in another. What a beautiful place they are at. I would soo love to live there and wake up to Eagles sitting in my backyard every morning.

Kathy and I leave there and head back to the Church. As we are sitting there waiting to cross the street ,,Harriet flies past as if she wanted to see us again. We watch her and she goes past the Church then to her left. We pull up in the parking lot and as I'm getting out of the truck, there goes PB  headed in the same direction. Kathy leaves and I istay just in case Harriet comes to the nest. Kathy finds them both st Bob's place. Kathy told me when she got back that Harriet  vocalized when she got out of the truck. I'm telling you ,she does know some of us . This was around 8:30 am. We stayed around for a couple of hrs then we went home. 
I truly believe that  Harriet is teaching PB. He is definitely a young'un and doesn't know anything about nest building. PB will learn all he can before Ozzie gets home. I sit and watch and what I see is a role reversal . Ozzie was the one that brought in all the sticks and Harriet did some but mostly the soft material and some times just sat and watched Ozzie or left... I see Harriet doing the sticks and PB just watching . This is the first time I have seen PB bring in anything for the nest.  Only time will tell how much PB will help.
What we are seeing sitting there and on the cam is what Ozzie and Harriet have always done. They don't leave the area. We never paid any attention before when they left the nest area. We ALL assumed they were headed out to the river or as some say they left the area.. NOT SO ! 
They have never gone anywhere, We just never looked for them. So we may not see them for hrs on end , or maybe not for  a day or two but that still doesn't mean they left the area. Look early in the mornings and late in the evening , you just might see them. 
I'm hoping when Ozzie gets back and he see's all the work that needs to be done on the nest, We'll get to see more of them this summer.     

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