The morning starts off with the Rooster crowing and Harriet flying into the nest. What a great way to start off the day. Harriet looks to be checking out the nest and PB flies up to the attic branch. PB drops down to see what Harriet is doing and Harriet beak bonks him. LOL What a way for PB to start off his day. From what it looks like ,both are aerating the nest and there is a lot of beak bonking going on. I don't think Harriet likes PB doing this. PB gives up and flies up to the attic branch again out of Harriet's way. Harriet sits there for a few, then flies to the front pine. I can see her moving around ..not sure if she is trying to get away from the crows that followed her or getting something for the nest. A couple of Min's later out from the tree she comes with a small stick with a long bunch of moss stuck to it and of course a crow chasing her. Harriet is trying to fly up to the nest tree but the crow is making it difficult for her to get the right angle. So around the tree she goes, out towards the front pines, back by the old cam 2 tree and still can't get to the tree because of the crow. Harriet gives up and heads for one of the front pines again. There she leaves the stick and moss and flies back to the nest with just a small bit of pine. As Harriet lands in the nest Pb drops down like she has piece of food. Harriet lets him have it with a few beak bonks.LOL this is not going well at all for PB. It looks like they square of a couple of times and PB puts his head way back at one point he looks like a duck in one of my photo's. I guess Harriet is really letting him know who's nest this is and who is boss of it.

PB left ,Harriet right |
After a few Min's of this ,they settle down and try to place the small stick. Finally PB has had enough and goes up to the attic branch again.
Harriet sits looking towards the west , then leaves the nest tree. She lands and a crow almost knocks her off the branch. Whoa ! That surprised me but I'll bet not as much as it did Harriet . She regains her balance and finds her self another small branch with pine and heads for the nest. Again PB drops down and this time it looks like he tries to help Harriet place the stick. Done with that and PB , Harriet goes to the veranda then up to the attic branch then leaves towards the Norfolk pine but goes past it to another tree we can not see from where we are. PB leaves in the same direction also . Around 7:45 am I spot Harriet in the Norfolk pine . As I was watching Wskers taking a video of Harriet sitting there ,in flies PB and lands to the left of her. They sit there preening and just relaxing. I look back over at the tree and just one of them is there now. Looks to be PB . This is at 8:32 am. I turn to check out the nest tree and west treeline nope Harriet not there .I look back over at the Norfolk and now PB is gone. Well it was time for me to head home . They will be back and forth from that pine and wherever else it is that they go to over there. It will be like this for awhile until Ozzie gets home. I glad to see Harriet is trying to rebuild the nest. It gives me reassurance right now that she is still calling this home even though she doesn't know Ozzie will be home soon .Harriet is moving on doing what an Eagle does best...............
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